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The MMA Corner: The Mind of Rey Rey Rodriguez Brings “Darkness” to MMA

A featured article of dark photographer Rey Rey Rodriguez on the MMA Corner.

A photo of dark horror photographer and content creator Rey Rey Rodriguez for MMA Corner Magazine

Stunning! Graphic! Interesting! Those are just a few of the diverse mix of words that have been used to describe the work of renowned Visual Artist, Photographer and Videographer, Rey Paul Rodriguez (founder of the Mind of Rey Rey). But a look into the mind of the artist, better known simply as Rey Rey, reveals a depth that could well go beyond mere descriptions and accolades.

A visit to his website,, is likely to leave you with a sense of mystery; you’re never sure what to expect next. In between his gift for telling vivid stories through strong images and portrayals of the co-existence of dark and light, Rey Rey has continuously raised the bar with his knack for capturing and creating.

There is nothing conventional about his pieces, yet the Florida-based Master Photographer has seen his work grace the pages of many mainstream publications and websites, as well as attract viewers at numerous exhibitions around the world.

Perhaps an ode to a famous saying by Pulitzer Prize winner, Mary Oliver, about darkness also being a gift — Rey Rey’s work not only reflects his embracement of the dark side, but the ease at which he’s able to depict the lighter side of almost every subject. That’s possibly the main reason why the short filmmaker and poet has been able to make a name for himself in the rough and tumble world of mixed martial arts (MMA).

Over the past few years, Rey Rey has made his presence felt within the MMA circuit as a celebrity photographer, after being drawn to the sport initially as a practitioner himself of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Since then, Rey has captured everything from crunching clashes and fearless fights to friendly face-offs and sparring sessions. Not only that, his artistry has also been responsible for outstanding backdrops in numerous MMA fight scenes, fighter portraits and group shots.

As he continues to explore the darker side of life and merge it with the light, Rey Rey is adding new dimension to one of the fastest growing sport disciplines in the world. His growing MMA collection of videos, perfectly timed photographs, and eye-catching artwork can be viewed on his website, along with his various social media accounts.

So, let’s take trip into the enigmatic and endsville world of Rey Rey Rodriguez’ dark, yet beautiful photography.

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