An interview with solopreneur and content creator Rey Rey Rodriguez on Influencive.

“Many people buy a home, fix it up, with the goal of selling it for a profit. They put a sign outside of it and wait for someone to call. If no one sees the sign, there will be no call, no sale, and money will be lost.
This is the same issue businesses have. Whether it’s in a physical location, or a fully online store, if no one knows about the business, there will be no sale and money will be lost.
This is why proper marketing is a must. Businesses and public figures need theright website design & maintenance, search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (posts, ads, engagements), images (photos & graphics), videos, Google (and other search engines) business listings, featured articles, press releases, and influencer marketing.
This is where The Mind of Rey Rey ® can step in to help grow your brand.”
The words above were said on a podcast by, Rey Rey Rodriguez, Founder and CEO of The Mind of Rey Rey®, a multimedia and branding company headquartered in Plantation, Florida.
Rey Rey (born Rey Paul Rodriguez), began photography as a hobby, built a small website to showcase his photos, and eventually the hobby began a ripple effect that would lead him to where he is today. The self-made, business owner and entrepreneur that mastered the art of marketing,credits his trials and errors while attempting to promote his artwork for his success.
“I never planned to make a career out of my photos, nor cared to sell any. I just enjoyed creating art and was very competitive. My goal was to always put out work that was high quality, creative, different from the rest, and could spark some form of emotion (fear, pain, sexual interest, cause laughter, amazement, confusion, etc.).
Then I’d attempt to make it reach the most amount of eyes. I had more time than money, and knew that the days of handing out or mailing flyers was coming to an end, so I studied everything I could about online marketing. Everything I could do myself, I would learn and get it done. When I needed extra hands, I would use college students that worked in exchange for internship hours. Before I knew it, I had so gained so much knowledge in other areas unrelated to photography, that I was able to create a small business and offer those services to others. My hobby had become my career.”
Today, The Mind of Rey Rey ® continues to grow and helps other businesses, startups, and brands to achieve their goals. The company provides multimedia and online marketing services worldwide.
For more information on Rey Rey Rodriguez or The Mind of Rey Rey ® visit the links below:
The Mind of Rey Rey ®: Official Website